Sunday, October 9, 2011

Private Student Loan Consolidation and Federal Student Loan Consolidation

Many students and former students have probably heard of loan consolidation, consolidate federal student loans or other ways to combine student loans into one payment more manageable.

It is also a subject not well understood because of the wide variety of student loans that are given to students and the different rules for their consolidation. In this article I will try to unravel some of the difficulties with this issue and provide insight into those who want to consolidate.

What is student loan consolidation? - As many of you have probably heard or seen the TV commercials for paying bills, debt consolidation and other types of credit, loan consolidation has nothing to do with any of these options. Simply student loan consolidation is designed for a type of debt, loans that were obtained specifically for the purpose of going to school, mostly for higher education.

Unlike car loans or mortgage loans, students often access to a wide range of loan types to get the total funding needed to complete the financial framework for obtaining the degree. The loans come from various sources, such as the federal government, the private banks and other companies at various times during the academic career. Generally, when the level is completed, the student or is otherwise separated from the school, can be a confusing patchwork of loans with different volumes, prices and conditions. In general, you can add up to a heavier tax once the school is ready, and 6-month grace period has expired. Consolidation allows students to combine all these loans into one loan in a row, one of the monthly fee.

What is the private student loan consolidation more or federal? - The short answer is that the consolidation of federal student loans will always be a lower rate and the least expensive option, because the government supported loans and federal loan consolidation is easy, painless, and essentially free of charge, provided and when they are qualified. The key to remember is that most students have a combination of federal and private loans. Because you can not include private loan consolidation federal government, the consolidation of the federal government only partially solves the problem for many students.

The private consolidation can also help in terms of your monthly payment, but is not guaranteed to be mainly to the consolidation of a comprehensive and higher qualification requirements is not supported by the federal government or the Department of Education.