Sunday, December 26, 2010

Genetic Engineering Experiment - Are Humans Being Used As Lab Rats ?

Indeed, the prose is on the wall and screaming made known tiresome to tell us with the intention of we are all being used as creature lab rats, and lacking our consent, in lone of the biggest abandoned methodical experiments in history! Evidence is all around us screening us with the intention of agri-biotech companies are genetically engineering food with the intention of is to be fed to us pro the function of transforming us into genetically modified organisms.

To appointment here are 81 food items listed on the FDA's List of Completed Consultations on Bioengineered Foods approximately of which include corn, soybeans, cotton, potatoes, tomatoes, and squash. Yet, this catalog is far from wide-ranging since by bestow in the U.S., agri-biotech companies are not vital to take FDA praise pro GM foods. Inside detail, under current FDA plan companies need single "voluntarily" seek FDA consultation and adhere to FDA recommendations following the consultation. Even more compelling is with the intention of since many GM foods are "substantially equivalent" to non-GM foods and are total foods very than food additives, they are not theme to FDA parameter, which earnings with the intention of single processed foods are being regulated.

So could you repeat that? This earnings is with the intention of we are being scared and manipulated into intake more processed foods. Why? Because consuming such foods ultimately principal to stoutness and an boost in shape problems, which equates to more dollars being spent on medicine and cosmetics, all of which are industries being "regulated" by the FDA. Thus, the prose is on the wall and democracy has a extra visage and its called genetic engineering. It's apt more and more evident all around us.

When capitalism dictates the direction of science its called technological advancement. When increased revenues take precedence ended the regard of creature life its called emancipated enterprise and as corporations are allowable to energy loose to dictate the very essence of life through genetic material manipulation its called genocide. That understood, since humans don't classify as total foods, could you repeat that? Does the prospect call pro us if here is thumbs down parameter of could you repeat that? Is being made to us?